Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So let's talk TV. I love it. I watch, religiously, Lost, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Mad Men, and 30 Rock. When it was on I never missed Battlestar Galactica either, and still miss it. I sometimes watch The Biggest Loser, Survivor, and The Amazing Race, but I have to get hooked early into the season, and if it never clicks I bail. This year I'm watching Biggest Loser, but not Survivor or Amazing Race. I watched The Wire in a two month gulp on ITunes this summer and thought it was unbelieveably good.

I'm not at all this way about music - it's seriously embarrasing how little I know of music made after 1991 when I graduated from college. As for movies, while I'm aware of them when they come out, we rarely get to the theater, and unless George Clooney is the star I don't usually see them on video either. (But if George is in it I am so there).

I love to read too but that's a different post.


  1. I am always, like, 5 years behind on TV, because I like to wait until the series is over and then watch the whole thing all in a row instead of having to wait.

    Music, I try to listen to Top 40 in the car to keep at least slightly in touch with what's what---but some of it I am already too old for. WAY too old for.

  2. Swistle if that's the case you would LOVE The Wire. It's all on I-Tunes or you could rent or borrow the DVDs. Well worth it - it really is just as good as the critics say.

    I sometimes watch TV that way too - I've got Arrested Development on DVDs but haven't watched them yet.
