Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Behind the Veil

So, one thing I'm kind of struggling with is whether to tell anyone in my real life that I have this blog they could read. Not that there's much content here yet, but maybe someday there will be. On the one hand, I could see where it would be nice to have people I know but don't always talk to in depth on a regular basis, read these posts and...I don't know, continue the conversation in some way. On the other hand, maybe it's better to just keep it for me, so that I can say whatever I want about them. That sounds bad - it's not that I'm dying to talk behind their back, but...there may be things I can say in a more free way if I knew that they WEREN'T going to be reading it. For example, I wouldn't tell Dave about how pissed off I was at what a crappy job he did cleaning the kitchen if we were just talking, and I have a post about it here.

Similarly, maybe I would be able to say things here about me that I wouldn't say if I knew the real life peeps were reading. (Wow - that sounds mysterious - doncha want to know the SECRETS I KEEP!!!).

I also think there are certain members of my family who would think it's weird to even have a blog, and others who might just think it's pretentious in some way.

I guess I'm inclined to keep it for me, but I could be persuaded otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to know! I kept mine a secret from everyone until it started taking over enough of my life that I was starting to need to LIE about it, at which point I told my husband and parents. Then I told my brother. Then after awhile, my close friends. I've kept it there so far, but I'm always tempted to start telling, like, other moms at the bus stop, or anyone who asks me what I "do."
